In the study of earthquake induced vibrations on multistory buildings, the free transverse oscillations satisfy the equation
where the forces acting on the i-th floor are
Consider a building with n floors each of mass m slugs and the horizontal restoring force of k tons/foot between floors. Then this system reduces to the form
A horizontal earthquake oscillation of amplitude
of the form
will produce an acceleration
, and the opposite internal force on each floor of the building is
. The resulting non-homogeneous system is
, where
Example 1. Consider a building with n = 6 floors each of mass m = 1250 slugs (weight of 20 tons)
and the horizontal restoring force of k = 10,000 lb/ft = 5 tons/foot between floors.
, and this system reduces to the form
Compute the eigenvalues of matrix
and the natural frequencies
and periods P of oscillation of the building.
Example 2. Solving the above non-homogeneous system for the coefficient vector v for X[t].
The vector v is the solution to the equation
Use the earthquake amplitude e = 0.075 ft = 0.9 in. for this example.
Solve the linear system using the parameters
and e = 0.075.
Find the coefficient vector v and the vector X[t]. Plot the vibrations of each floor.
where the forces acting on the i-th floor are
Consider a building with n floors each of mass m slugs and the horizontal restoring force of k tons/foot between floors. Then this system reduces to the form
A horizontal earthquake oscillation of amplitude
Example 1. Consider a building with n = 6 floors each of mass m = 1250 slugs (weight of 20 tons)
and the horizontal restoring force of k = 10,000 lb/ft = 5 tons/foot between floors.
Compute the eigenvalues of matrix
and the natural frequencies
Example 2. Solving the above non-homogeneous system for the coefficient vector v for X[t].
The vector v is the solution to the equation
Use the earthquake amplitude e = 0.075 ft = 0.9 in. for this example.
Solve the linear system using the parameters
Find the coefficient vector v and the vector X[t]. Plot the vibrations of each floor.
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